Have your ring checked by a trusted Jeweller at least once a year.​
Prongs can be loosened up from daily wear (such is tugging from clothing, impact, etc), so it is important to ensure they are tightened up again before gemstones fall off.​
If you have dropped your jewellery or caused it to suffer impact, have it checked right away!
Clean your diamond jewellery pieces with warm soapy water and a soft toothbrush often
Cleanliness is very important in ensuring your jewellery can last generations. Oil and grime from daily wear can easily loosen gemstones from their setting, causing diamonds to fall off on impact. Soap residue and lotions can also cause our gemstones to loose its shine and beauty.
Never clean Pearl or Gemstone jewellery without a professional Jeweller
Pearls & Gemstones are much softer and less durable than diamonds, and hence should never be cleaned yourself.
Store your ring in the same place every time you take it off
Remove your ring during certain activities, such as cleaning or swimming
Be sure to store it in a safe place with a proper box / sealable pouch! Never wrap it in a tissue paper or other items that would easily be mistaken for garbage.

Warm Water with Dish Soap
Dish soap reduces residue sticking on your diamonds after it dries, hence recovers your stones' original brilliance. Remember to pull up the sink drain!
Place in a safe location, soak your diamond jewellery for 15-20 minutes to soften up the grime.

Use a very soft-bristle toothbrush, and gently brush the Diamond until all the oil & grime is removed, then rinse.
Use a hair dryer to dry your jewellery to ensure all water & soap residue is removed.